Jetbrains has deprecated the Kotlin Android Extensions plugin and separated @Parcelize into a new plugin which is maintained by Google. Read this article to see how to migrate to the new plugin: it’s quite easy!

Corresponding code for this blog post is available on GitHub.

Background on Parcels

The Android OS uses Parcelas a high-performance method to communicate data. The Android-only Parcelable interface is used to denote classes that can easily be serialized to/from a Parcel.

They’re most frequently used with Bundle objects to communicate across activities and intents, and to store state across configuration changes.

As a result, most Android developers should be familiar with the concept of Parcelable classes.

Photo by Joanna Kosinska

Using the @Parcelize Android Extensions Plugin

Hand-writing Parcelable implementations can be quite a pain. Thankfully, several tools exist to automagically generate the requisite code for you.

One such tool is the @Parcelize Kotlin compiler plugin. @Parcelize is included with Kotlin and can automatically generate Parcelable implementations for you! The following section is adapted from their documentation.

In the base case, the process is pleasantly simple:

import android.os.Parcelable

data class User(
  val userId: long,
  val userName: String
): Parcelable

Advanced Parceling Logic

The @Parcelize Android Extensions plugin has built-in support for several types, but also allows you to specify a custom parceling logic!

If your class requires advanced serialization logic, you can write it inside a companion class:

data class User(
  val userId: long,
  val userName: String
): Parcelable {
  private companion object : Parceler<User> {
    override fun User.write(parcel: Parcel, flags: Int) {
      TODO("my custom write implementation")

    override fun create(parcel: Parcel): User {
      TODO("my custom read implementation")

If you are working with an unsupported type that you can’t personally modify the code for, you can supply an external Parceler implementation for it.

For example, if we used the java.util.UUID class instead of a Long to create a unique identifier for our User, we could write an external Parceler for UUID as follows:

import java.util.UUID


object UUIDParceler : Parceler<UUID> {
  override fun create(parcel: Parcel): UUID {
    val mostSigBits = parcel.readLong()
    val leastSigBits = parcel.readLong()
    return UUID(mostSigBigs, leastSigBits)

  override fun UUID.write(parcel: Parcel, flags: Int) {

We can then apply our external Parceler using either the @TypeParceler or @WriteWith annotation:

import java.util.UUID


// Class-local parceler
@TypeParceler<UUID, UUIDParceler>()
data class User(
  val id: UUID

// Property-local parceler
class User(
  @TypeParceler<UUID, UUIDParceler>()
  val id: UUID

// Type-local parceler
class User(
  val id: @WriteWith<UUIDParceler>() UUID

If you take a peek at the source code for the Parcelize Android Extension, you will find a few other annotations such as @IgnoredOnParcel and @RawValue, however their usage isn’t officially documented so I won’t get into them here 😉

Enter Kotlin Multiplatform

Generating Parcelable implementations using @Parcelize works great when you’re operating in the Android world. However, if you are working in a Kotlin Multiplatform Project, you will find that things aren’t quite so simple!

If you try to paste those earlier code samples into the common sourceset in a Kotlin Multiplatform Project, you’ll quickly find that you can’t import Parcelable or @Parcelize, @TypeParceler or @WriteWith!

If you take a step back however, this makes sense. The concept of Parcelable objects is Android-specific. Parcel-related classes simply don’t exist in non-Android environments.

But what do we do if we use a Kotlin Multiplatform library, and want to store some of those classes in an Android Bundle?

We could manyally declare external Parcelers for every class. We’d write them by hand, and then sprinkle @TypeParceler or @WriteWith all over our Android codebase.

Or, we can take advantage of Kotlin Multiplatform’s powerful platform-specific declarations to make things work for us!

Declaring expect Definitions

In order to use these annotations and the Parcelable interface in common code, we must declare common-code versions of them.

First, let’s start with the Parcelable interface:

package com.example.parcel

// Common Code
expect interface Parcelable

By declaring an empty expected interface in our common sourceset, we will be able to write classes that implement com.example.parcel.Parcelable.

Let’s continue by defining the expected @Parcelize annotation:

package com.example.parcel

// Common Code
expect annotation class Parcelize()

If you’re extra-observant, you might have noticed something different here. We’re using the @OptionalExpectation annotation, after opting-in to the experimental multiplatform feature.

@OptionalExpectation can be added to annotation classes to denote that the class isn’t required to have an actual counterpart on every platform. If we use the annotation and compile for a platform where we don’t implement the annotation at all, the Kotlin compiler just pretends the annotation never existed!

If an optional annotation has no corresponding actual class on a platform, the annotation entries where it’s used are simply erased when compiling code on that platform.

This is the same mechanism that Kotlin Multiplatform uses to allow us to use built-in annotations like @JvmName and @JsName in Common code.

Now that we’ve declared our expected classes, we have to actually define them on our platforms.


Building a Real Android Library

Most default Kotlin Multiplatform templates write code for Android using the jvm target. In many cases, this is fine. However, in order to use the @Parcelize plugin, we will need to create an actual Android Library using the Gradle plugin.

Take a peek at this commit on Github to see the full details, but below are some of the changes you may need to make:

Adding the and kotlin-android-extensions plugins:

plugins {
  id ''
  id 'org.jetbrains.kotlin.multiplatform'
  id 'kotlin-android-extensions'

Adding an explicit android() target platform:

kotlin {
  js {
    nodejs {

  // Configuration...

Adding an android { } block where we point to our sourceSets to the code for the android() target platform and enable the @Parcelize plugin:

android {
  compileSdkVersion 28

  androidExtensions {
    experimental = true

  defaultConfig {
    minSdkVersion 21
    testInstrumentationRunner "androidx.test.runner.AndroidJUnitRunner"

  // Android Gradle Plugin expects sources to be in main, test, and androidTest
  // In order to keep our code structure consistent across platforms, we redefine
  // the sourceset directories here.
  sourceSets {
    // Main code is in androidMain
    main {
      manifest.srcFile 'src/androidMain/AndroidManifest.xml'
      java.srcDirs = ['src/androidMain/kotlin']
      res.srcDirs = ['src/androidMain/res']

    // Unit test code is in androidTest (to parallel jvmTest, jsTest)
    test {
      java.srcDirs = ['src/androidTest/kotlin']
      res.srcDirs = ['src/androidTest/res']

    // Android instrumentation test code is in androidInstrumentationTests
    androidTest {
      java.srcDirs = ['src/androidInstrumentationTest/kotlin']
      res.srcDirs = ['src/androidInstrumentationTest/res']

The Magic of actual typealiases

A powerful feature of Kotlin Multiplatform is that platform-specific declarations can be simple typealiases to existing classes.

This is great, because it allows us to point our expected interface and annotation to very real classes that we already have on Android!

package com.example.parcel

// Android Code
actual typealias Parcelable = android.os.Parcelable
actual typealias Parcelize =

Every Other Platform

Thanks to the magic of the @OptionalExpectation annotation, we don’t need to declare actual implementations for @Parcelize on non-Android platforms.

Unfortunately, @OptionalExpectation only supports annotation classes. As a result, we do have to write an empty actual interface Parcelable for every platform:

package com.example.parcel

// Non-Android Code
actual interface Parcelable

Once we do this, we should be ready to roll!

Putting It All Together

We can now use our custom Parcelable and @Parcelize definitions in Common Code!

import com.example.parcel.*

// Common Code
data class User(
  val userId: long,
  val userName: String
): Parcelable

In Android, we can take advantage of the class we defined in common code, and store it in a Bundle!

// Android Code
val user = User(1, "Android User")

val bundle = Bundle().apply {

val unparceled: User? = bundle.getParcelable(USER_BUNDLE_KEY)

assertEquals(user, unparceled) // Nice!

You might notice that we didn’t go into the details needed for @TypeParceler or @WriteWith.

While these classes certainly can be added to a Kotlin Multiplatform project in this manner, doing so requires creating expect/actual declarations for many more classes (for example, Parcel,, and their methods.

For this reason, these extra steps (if you need them) are left as an exercise for the reader 😉

Wrapping Up

The same principles used here can apply to many other platform-specific annotations, classes, and interfaces.

If you’ve got other cool ideas for how this technique could be used, drop me a tweet!